Course curriculum

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    Introduction to the Course

    • Introduction
    • What is UML
    • Why We Use UML
    • Goals of UML
    • Introduction to the Course
    • Introduction to the Projects
    • Introduction of the Instructor
    • What More You Need
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    UML its importance and applications

    • History and Origin of UML
    • UML and its Role in OO Modelling and Design
    • Fundamental Concepts of OO Modelling and Design
    • Steps Involved to Link UML with OO Modelling and Design
    • UML Modelling Tools
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    System Scenario

    • Overview
    • What is Scenario
    • When Scenario are Approppiate to Write
    • How to Write a Scenario
    • Example
    • Case Study- Airport Check in System
    • Quiz Write Success Scenario
    • Quiz Solution Write Success Scenario
    • Alternate Scenarios
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    Use Case Diagram

    • Introduction to Use Case Diagrams
    • Elements of a Use Case Diagram
    • Example
    • Starting with Smart Draw
    • First Diagram using Smart Draw
    • ATM System
    • Quiz
    • Quiz Solution
    • When to Use, Use Case Diagram
    • Relationships in Usecases
    • Include and Extend Relationship
    • Example Include and Extend Relationship
    • Generalize Relationship
    • Quiz Relationships
    • Solution to the Quiz
    • Downloading Visual Paradigm
    • Interface of Visual Paradigm
    • Example Stock Brokerage System
    • Example Stock Brokerage System Adding Include Realtionship Between Uses Cases
    • Example Stock Brokerage System Adding Relationships and Saving File
    • Example Hospital Management System
    • Hospital Management System Adding Usecases
    • Hospital Management System Adding Relationships
    • Use Case Diagram Hospital Management System
    • Quiz
    • Quiz Solution Adding Actors and Use Cases
    • Adding Association
    • Complete Diagram
    • Setting Up Granularity
    • Developing Use Case Scenario
    • Example Order Product
    • Use Case Scenario Withdraw Money
    • Quiz Writing Scenario
    • Quiz Solution Writing Scenario
    • Project Library Management System
    • Project Getting Started with Solution
    • Adding Usecases to LMS
    • Starting With Assiciations in Between Actor and Usecase
    • Adding Generalization and Include Relationship
    • Complete Diagram
    • Complete Project
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    Class Diagrams

    • Introduction to the Module
    • Overview Explained With an Example of a Family Tree
    • Class Diagram
    • Components of a Class Diagram
    • Example of a Class
    • Quiz
    • Quiz Solution
    • Defination of Class Diagram
    • Member Access Modifiers
    • Example of Member Access
    • Definning Relationship
    • Modifier Scope
    • Quiz
    • Quiz Solution
    • Solution Make Textbook Class
    • Additional Class Components
    • Enumerations Objects and Artifacts
    • Aggregation and Composition
    • Example
    • Quiz Relationships
    • Quiz Solution Adding Classes
    • Quiz Solution Complete Diagarm
    • Association in Between Classes and Quiz
    • Adding Classes with Attributes and Data Types
    • Quiz Solution
    • Complete Solution
    • Generalization Relationship
    • Generalization with Customer Class
    • Example Employee Class
    • Example Adding Extended Classes
    • Adding Person Class
    • Complete Diagram
    • Dos and Dont
    • Project Quiz ATM System
    • Solution Adding ATM and Bank Class
    • Adding Account and Transaction Classes to the Project
    • Complete Classes
    • Complete Solution
    • Class Diagram Project
    • Adding Classes
    • Adding Attributes
    • Adding Operations and Changing Access
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    Interaction Diagrams

    • Introduction
    • Interaction Diagrams When to Use
    • Components of Sequence Diagram
    • Example Library Management System
    • Passing Messages and Creating Sequence
    • Complete Diagram
    • Sequence Diagram Common Mistakes
    • Quiz
    • Solution Creating Objects
    • Message Sequences
    • Complete Solution
    • Project Report Card Generation
    • Adding Messages to the Lifelines
    • Complete Project
    • An Overview of Collaboration Diagrams
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    State and Activity Diagrams

    • What is State Diagram
    • Terminologies used in State Diagrams
    • Advanced Transitions
    • When to use State Diagram
    • Example Order Processing
    • Complete Example and Quiz
    • Quiz Solution Starting States and Self Transition
    • Complete Solution
    • Activity Diagarms
    • When to use Activity Diagrams
    • Terminologies and Symblos of Activity Diagrams
    • Example
    • Online Shopping Website
    • Adding Control Flow
    • Adding Further Activities
    • Adding Control Flow and Join
    • Complete Diagram
    • Quiz Solution
    • Adding Activities and Decision
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    Summary of UML Diagrams

    • Overview of UML Modelling And Diagarms
    • Summary of All Diagrams in a Hierrarical Chart
    • Class Diagram Overview
    • Component and Composite Structure Diagram
    • Deployement Diagram
    • Object Diagram
    • Package and Profile Diagrams
    • Activity Diagram
    • State Machine Diagram
    • Use Case Diagram
    • Communication Diagram
    • Interaction Overview Diagram
    • Sequence Diagram
    • Timing Diagram
    • References
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    • Case Study
    • System Requirements
    • Use Case Diagram for ATM Customer
    • Use Case Diagram of ATM Operator
    • Use Case Diagram of ATM
    • Conceptual Pysical Class Diagram
    • Concetual Static Model for Entity Classes
    • Complete Diagram
    • Class Diagarm Banking System
    • Complete Diagram with Multiplicities
    • Banking System with Classes of Interfaces
    • Complete State Chart of ATM
    • State Chart of ATM Control
    • Sequene Diagram for ATM Validate PIN
    • Adding Sequence of Messages into Sequence Diagram
    • Adding Sequences for Selection Menu
    • Sequence Diagram of ATM Withdraw
    • Adding Sequences
    • Adding sequences of withdraw
    • Complete Diagram
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    Careers with UML and Market Place

    • Exploring Various UML Realted Jobs Online
    • Salary Ranges with Different Roles
    • Interview Questions 1
    • Interview Questiosn 2
    • Interview Questions 3
    • Interview Questions 4
    • Interview Questions 5
    • UML Glossary and terms 1
    • UML Glossary and terms 2
    • UML Glossary and terms 3
    • UML Glossary and terms 4
    • UML Glossary and terms 5
    • UML Glossary and terms 6
    • UML Glossary and terms 7