Course curriculum
Introduction to the Course
Introduction To Instructor
Why Machine Learning
Why Support Vector Machine
Course Overview
Introduction to Machine Learning, Learning Process and Supervised Learning
UnSupervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning
History and Future of Machine Learning
Dataset, Label and Features
Training Data,Testing Data and Outliers
Model (Difference between Classification and Regression)
Model (Function,Parameters,Hyperparameters)
Training a model,Cost,Error,Loss,Risk,Accuracy
Overfitting,Underfitting,Just RightOptimum (Part 1)
Overfitting,Underfitting,Just RightOptimum (Part 2)
Validation and Cross Validation,Generalization,Data Snooping,Validation Set
Probability Distributions and Curse of Dimensionlity
Small Sample Size problems,One Shot Learning
Importance of Data in Machine Learning,Data Encoding and Preprocessing
General Flow of a typical Machine Learning Project
Introduction to Python
Introduction to IDE,Hello World
Introduction to Data Type, Numbers
Variable and Operators (Numbers)
Variables and Operators (Rational Operators and Functions)
Variables and Operators (String)
Variables and Operators (String and print Statement)
Lists(Indexing,Slicing-Built in Lists Functions)
Lists(Copying a List)
Tuples(Indexing,Slicing,Built in Tuple Functions)
Set(initialize,Built in Set Functions)
Logical Operator,Decision Making,For Loops,While Loops,Functions
Logical Operator,Decision Making,For Loops,While Loops,List Comprehension
Calculator Project
Introduction SVM
Linear Discriminants
Linear Discriminants higher spaces
Linear Discriminants Decision Boundary
Generalized Linear Model
Feature Transformation
Max Margin Linear Discriminant
Hard Margin Vs Soft Margin
Multiclass Extension
SVM Vs Logistic Regression Sparsity
SVM Optimization
SVM Langrangian Dual
Python Packages & Titanic DataSet
Using Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib (Part 1)
Using Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib (Part 2)
Using Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib (Part 3)
Using Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib (Part 4)
Using Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib (Part 5)
Using Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib (Part 6)
DataSet Preprocessing
SVM with Sklearn
SVM without Sklearn (Part 1)
SVM without Sklearn (Part 2)
Optional SVM Optimization (Part 1)
Optional SVM Optimization (Part 2)
Optional SVM Optimization (Part 3)
Optional SVM Optimization (Part 4)
Optional SVM Optimization (Part 5)
Optional SVM Optimization (Part 6)
About this course
- $199.99
- 69 lessons
- 11.5 hours of video content