Course curriculum

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    • Course Introduction
    • Instructor
    • AI Sciences
    • Course Outline
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    Summary Statistics

    • Module Intoduction
    • Overview
    • Summary Statistics
    • Average Types
    • Mean
    • Median
    • Median Example
    • Mode
    • Case Study For Average
    • IQR
    • Variance
    • Standard Deviation
    • Averages in Python
    • Std Deviation and Variance in Python
    • IQR in Python
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    Hypothesis Testing

    • Module Introduction
    • Hypothesis Testing Overview
    • Terminologies in Hypothesis Testing
    • Null Hypothesis
    • Alternate Hypothesis
    • Test Statistics
    • P-Value
    • Critical Value
    • Level of Significance
    • Case Study 1
    • Case Study 2
    • Calculations for Python
    • Steps of Hypothesis Testing
    • Code Outcomes
    • Calculation of Z in Python
    • Norm Function
    • P Value Python
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    Correlation and Regression

    • Module Introduction
    • Covariance and Correlation
    • Correlation
    • Regression
    • Correlation and Covariance in Python
    • Entering Input
    • Linear Regression Results
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    Multiple Regression

    • Module Overview
    • Motivation for Multiple Regression
    • Formula for MR
    • Preparing the Data
    • Multiple Regression in Python