Course curriculum

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    • Introduction to Instructor
    • Introduction to Course
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    WhatsApp Automation

    • Introduction to Module
    • Introduction & Installing the Toolkit
    • Scheduling & Sending a Message
    • Closing the Tab
    • Sending Image to Contact
    • Sending Message to Group
    • Sending Image to Group
    • Some Extra Perks
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    Email Automation

    • Introduction to Module
    • Introduction to Smtplib
    • Linking Gmail with Smtp
    • Creating Email Body & Sending
    • Attaching a File With Email
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    • Introduction to Module
    • Installating & Importing
    • Coding a Simple Scheduler
    • Scheduling Sending an Email
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    YouTube Automation

    • Introduction to Module
    • Introduction & Installations
    • Creating API Key
    • Fetching the Channel Information
    • Fetching the Playlist Information
    • Displaying Data of Playlists
    • Fetching Information of Video
    • Displaying the Video Data
    • Project Part 1
    • Project Part 2
    • Project Part 3
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    Facebook Automation

    • Introduction to Module
    • Introduction & Installation
    • Creating Access Token
    • Posting Hello World
    • Posting Photo with Caption
    • Commenting on a Post
    • Liking & Deleting the Post
    • Project