Course curriculum

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    Introduction to the Course

    • Introduction to the Course
    • Introduction To Instructor
    • Focus of the Course
    • Python Practical of the Course
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    Why Machine Learning

    • Machine Learning Applications-Part 1
    • Machine Learning Applications-Part 2
    • Why Machine Learning is Trending Now
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    Process of Learning from Data

    • Supervised Learning
    • UnSupervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning
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    Machine Learning Methods

    • Features
    • Features Practice with Python
    • Regression
    • Regression Practice with Python
    • Classsification
    • Classification Practice with Python
    • Clustering
    • Clustering Practice with Python
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    Data Preparation and Preprocessing

    • Handling Image Data
    • Handling Video and Audio Data
    • Handling Text Data
    • One Hot Encoding
    • Data Standardization
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    Machine Learning Models and Optimization

    • Machine Learning Model 1
    • Machine Learning Model 2
    • Machine Learning Model 3
    • Training Process, Error, Cost and Loss
    • Optimization
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    Building Machine Learning Model from Scratch

    • Linear Regression from Scratch- Part 1
    • Linear Regression from Scratch- Part 2
    • Minimun-to-mean Distance Classifier from Scratch- Part 1
    • Minimun-to-mean Distance Classifier from Scratch- Part 2
    • K-means Clustering from Scratch- Part 1
    • K-means Clustering from Scratch- Part 2
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    Overfitting, Underfitting and Generalization

    • Overfitting Introduction
    • Overfitting example on Python
    • Regularization
    • Generalization
    • Data Snooping and the Test Set
    • Cross-validation
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    Machine Learning Model Performance Metrics

    • The Accuracy
    • The Confusion Matrix
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    Dimensionality Reduction

    • The Curse of Dimensionality
    • The Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
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    Deep Learning Overview

    • Introduction to Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
    • Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
    • Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks (CNN)
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    Hands-on Machine Learning Project Using Scikit-Learn

    • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Python
    • Pipeline in Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning Project
    • Cross-validation with Python
    • Face Recognition Project with Python
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    OPTIONAL Section- Mathematics Wrap-up

    • Mathematical Wrap-up on Machine Learning