Course curriculum
1. why machine learning is the future
2. applications of machine learning
3. installing python and anaconda
Where to get the Python codes and the course materials
4. importing libraries and dataset
5. deal with missing data
6. categorical data
7. splitting dataset into training and test set
8. feature scaling
9. data preprocessing template
12. Polynomial Regression
13. Support Vector Regression
14. Decision Tree Regression
15. Random Forest Regression
16. Evaluating Regression Models Performance
10. simple linear regression
11. Multiple Linear Regression
17. Logistic Regression
18. K-Nearest Neighbors
19. Support Vector Machine
20. Naive Bayes
21. Decision Tree Classification
22. Random Forest Classification
23. Evaluting Classification Models Performance
24. K-Means Clustering
25. Hierarchical Clustering
26. Recommender System
27. Principle Component Analysis
28. Linear Discriminant Analysis
29. Kernel PCA
About this course
- $199.99
- 34 lessons
- 4 hours of video content