Course curriculum

    1. Introduction To Instructor

    2. Introduction to Course

    1. Module Introduction

    2. Installing-Importing Libraries

    3. Importing & Visualizing Dataset

    4. Dataset

    5. Feature Label Split

    6. Train Test Split

    7. ML Model

    8. Liner Regression

    9. Model Evaluation

    10. Making Predictions

    11. Quiz

    1. Module Introduction

    2. Data Import Split

    3. Removing Stopwords

    4. Making Word Cloud

    5. Count Vectorizer Explained

    6. Vectorizing Text Feature

    7. Model Implementation & Evaluation

    8. NB Details and Types

    9. Making Predictions

    10. Quiz

    1. Module Introduction

    2. Getting Started with Colab

    3. Loading Data in Colab

    4. Data Visualization

    5. One Hot Encoding

    6. Data Standardization

    7. Deep Learning Explained

    8. Model Architecture

    9. Model Training

    10. Model Evaluation

    11. Making Predictions

    12. Quiz

    1. Module Introduction

    2. Imports and Data Intro

    3. Data Visualization & Analysis

    4. K Means

    5. Model Implementation

    6. Ploting the Centroids

    7. Finding the Optimal Value

    8. Cluster Map

    9. Quiz

    1. Module Introduction

    2. Libraries & Dataset

    3. Data Analysis

    4. Model Training & Evaluation

    5. Heatmap of Predictions

About this course

  • $199.99
  • 49 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content