Course curriculum

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    • Introduction To Instructor
    • Introduction to Course
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    House Price Prediction

    • Module Introduction
    • Installing-Importing Libraries
    • Importing & Visualizing Dataset
    • Dataset
    • Feature Label Split
    • Train Test Split
    • ML Model
    • Liner Regression
    • Model Evaluation
    • Making Predictions
    • Quiz
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    Email Filtration

    • Module Introduction
    • Data Import Split
    • Removing Stopwords
    • Making Word Cloud
    • Count Vectorizer Explained
    • Vectorizing Text Feature
    • Model Implementation & Evaluation
    • NB Details and Types
    • Making Predictions
    • Quiz
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    Car Price Predication

    • Module Introduction
    • Getting Started with Colab
    • Loading Data in Colab
    • Data Visualization
    • One Hot Encoding
    • Data Standardization
    • Deep Learning Explained
    • Model Architecture
    • Model Training
    • Model Evaluation
    • Making Predictions
    • Quiz
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    Customer Segmentation Kmean

    • Module Introduction
    • Imports and Data Intro
    • Data Visualization & Analysis
    • K Means
    • Model Implementation
    • Ploting the Centroids
    • Finding the Optimal Value
    • Cluster Map
    • Quiz
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    Employee Retention Classification for HR

    • Module Introduction
    • Libraries & Dataset
    • Data Analysis
    • Model Training & Evaluation
    • Heatmap of Predictions