Course curriculum
Why Computer Vision
Introduction to Instructor
About AI Sciences
Course Outline (Optional)
Computer Vision Applications
Final Project
Github & OneDrive Link to get the Course Materials
Grayscale Image
Quiz(Grayscale Image)
Solution(Grayscale Image)
Python Warning
Grayscale Spectrum
Answer to Question
Reading, Manipulating and Saving Grayscale Image using Matplotlib Python
Quiz(Reading, Manipulating and Saving Grayscale Image using Matplotlib Python)
Solution(Reading, Manipulating and Saving Grayscale Image using Matplotlib Python)
Reading, Manipulating and Saving Grayscale Image using OpenCV Python
Introduction to RGB Images
Quiz(Introduction to RGB Images)
Solution(Introduction to RGB Images)
RGB Color Images Matplotlib and OpenCV
Quiz(RGB Color Images Matplotlib and OpenCV)
Solution(RGB Color Images Matplotlib and OpenCV)
RGB to HSV theory and Algorithm
RGB to HSV Algorithm Implementation using Python
Quiz(RGB to HSV Algorithm Implementation using Python)
Solution(RGB to HSV Algorithm Implementation using Python)
Red Rose Extraction or Segmentation using HSV Python
Quiz(Red Rose Extraction or Segmentation using HSV Python)
Solution(Red Rose Extraction or Segmentation using HSV Python)
Hyper Spectral Images
Introduction to Geometric Transformations
Scaling Example in OpenCV
Quiz(Scaling Example in OpenCV)
Solution(Scaling Example in OpenCV)
Scaling in Real Space
Quiz(Scaling in Real Space)
Solution(Scaling in Real Space)
Linear Transformation Explained
Scaling is a Linear Transformations
Scaling as a Matrix Multiplication Example Python
Quiz(Scaling as a Matrix Multiplication Example Python)
Solution(Scaling as a Matrix Multiplication Example Python)
Image Coordinate System
Image Copy and Flipping Vertically
Quiz 01(Image Copy and Flipping Vertically)
Solution 01(Image Copy and Flipping Vertically)
Quiz 02(Image Copy and Flipping Vertically)
Solution 02(Image Copy and Flipping Vertically)
Continuous Coordinates
Saturations and Holes
Image Doubling and Holes using Python
Inverse Scaling and Quiz
Solution and Nearest Neighbour Interpolation
Inverse Scaling Python
Quiz 01(Inverse Scaling Python)
Solution 01(Inverse Scaling Python)
Quiz 02 (Inverse Scaling Python)
Solution 02(Inverse Scaling Python)
Nearest Neighbour Interpolation
Weighted Average vs Simple Average
Bilinear Interpolation
Bilinear Interpolation Implementation in Python
Scaling Transformation with Bilinear Interpolation Implementation
Scaling Transformation Algorithm(Recap)
Exam Solution 01
Exam Solution 02
Rotation Introduction
Optional Rotation is Linear Transform Proof
Rotation can Result Negative Coordinates(Problem)
Rotation Computing Width and Hight of Resultant Image(Solution)
Rotation Index Shifting
Quiz(Rotation Index Shifting)
Solution(Rotation Index Shifting)
Rotation Implementation Complete
Quiz(Rotation Implementation Complete)
Solution(Rotation Implementation Complete)
Rotation Implementation(Good Coding Practice)
Quiz(Rotation Implementation(Good Coding Practice))
Solution(Rotation Implementation(Good Coding Practice))
Reflection Introduction
Quiz(Reflection Introduction)
Solution(Reflection Introduction)
Reflection Implementation
Quiz 01(Reflection Implementation)
Solution 01(Reflection Implementation)
Quiz 02(Reflection Implementation)
Solution 02(Reflection Implementation)
Shear Introduction
Shear Implementation and Quiz
Translation and its Nonlinearity(Problem)
Homoginuous Coordinates
Translation as a Matrix(solution)
Homoginuous Representations Off all Transformations
Affine Transformation Implementation
Quiz(Affine Transformation Implementation)
Rotation about any Point Theory
Rotation about any Point Implementation
Reflection about a Line Quiz
Solution(Reflection about a Line)
Transformation Matrix Properties
Transformation Matrix Properties Implementation
Affine Transformation Hierarchy
Optional Affine Transformation SVD
Projective Transformation Homography
Projective Transformation Implementation
Projective Warping Algorithm
Affine Transformation Estimation Introduction
Quiz(Affine Transformation Estimation Introduction)
Solution(Affine Transformation Estimation Introduction)
Affine Transformation Estimation Points Correspondences
Estimation Points Marking using Python and Quiz
Affine Transformation Min Number of Points Needed
Affine Transformation Estimation using Python
Affine Transformation Estimation Verification using Python
Affine Transformation Estimation with more than 3 Points
Quiz(Affine Transformation Estimation with more than 3 Points)
Solution(Affine Transformation Estimation with more than 3 Points)
Affine Transformation Estimation with more than 3 Points Implementation
Quiz(Affine Transformation Estimation with more than 3 Points Implementation)
Solution(Affine Transformation Estimation with more than 3 Points Implementation)
Optional Affine Transformation Estimation with LeastSquared
Projective Transformation Estimation Introduction
Projective Transformation Estimation First Implementation having Bug
Projective Transformation Estimation Reason of the Bug
Projective Transformation Estimation Removing Scale Factor
Projective Transformation Estimation DLT
Projective Transformation Estimation DLT Nullspace and Why 4 Points
Projective Transformation Estimation DLT Nullspace Implementation
DLT Implementation
Quiz(DLT Implementation)
Panorama Stitching
Panorama Stitching Implementation in OpenCV
How Projective Transformation Helps in Panorama
Binary Images Theory
Binary Images Python
Structuring Element Kernel and Sliding Window Theory
Structuring Element Python
Erosion Theory
Quiz 01(Erosion Theory)
Solution 01(Erosion Theory)
Quiz 02(Erosion Theory)
Solution 02(Erosion Theory)
Erosion Python
Dilation Theory
Quiz 01(Dilation Theory)
Solution 01(Dilation Theory)
Quiz 02(Dilation Theory)
Solution 02(Dilation Theory)
Dilation Python
Opening Theory
Opening Python
Closing Theory
Closing Python
Gradient Morphology
Gradient Morphology Python
Tophat Blackhat
About this course
- $199.99
- 324 lessons
- 26.5 hours of video content