Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. Instructor Introduction

    3. AI Sciences Introduction

    4. Course Description

    5. Machine Learning Based Chatbots

    6. Deep Learning Based Chatbots

    7. Chatbots with Amazon Lex

    1. Overview of Chatbots: Module Overview

    2. Overview of Chatbots: History of Chatbots

    3. Overview of Chatbots: Applications of Chatbots

    4. Overview of Chatbots: Chatbots vs Virtual Assistants vs Personal Assistants

    5. Overview of Chatbots: Benifits of Chatbots

    6. Overview of Chatbots: Why Should Companies Pick Chatbots

    7. Overview of Chatbots: Chatbot Types

    8. Overview of Chatbots: Rule Based Chatbots

    9. Overview of Chatbots: Self Learning Chatbots

    10. Overview of Chatbots: Mechanism of Chatbots

    11. Overview of Chatbots: Challenges of Chatbots

    12. Overview of Chatbots: Quiz

    13. Overview of Chatbots: Quiz Solution

    14. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Module Introduction

    15. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Module Overview

    16. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Architecture of ML Chatbots

    17. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: ML Enabled Features

    18. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Revolution with ML

    19. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: NLTK Features

    20. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Rule Based Chatbots

    21. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Package Installation

    22. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Data Input

    23. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Word Tokens and Remove ASCII

    24. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Remove Tags and Lemmatize

    25. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Chatbot Greets

    26. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Response Generation

    27. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Wiki Search

    28. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Developing Results

    29. Machine Learning Based Chatbots: Local Search and Wikipidea Search

    30. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Module Introduction

    31. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Project Overview and Packages

    32. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Getting the Data

    33. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Elimination

    34. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Tokenization

    35. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Lemmatization and Processed Text

    36. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Greeting Function

    37. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Generate Response

    38. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Bot Finishing

    39. Project: Conversational Chatbot Development with Machine Learning: Testing the Bot

    1. Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Module Introduction

    2. Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Conventional vs AI Chatbots

    3. Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Geneative vs Retrievel Chatbots

    4. Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Benifits of Deep Learning Chatbots

    5. Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Chatbots in Medical Domain

    6. Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Chatbots in Business

    7. Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Chatbots in E-Commerce

    8. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Module Introduction

    9. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Deep Learning Architecture

    10. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Encoder Decoder

    11. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Steps Involved

    12. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Project Overview and Packages

    13. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Importing Libraries

    14. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Data Prepration

    15. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Develop Vocabulary

    16. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Max Story and Question Length

    17. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Tokenizer

    18. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Separation and Sequence

    19. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Vectorize Stories

    20. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Vectorizing Train and Test Data

    21. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Encoding

    22. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Answer and Response

    23. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Model Completion

    24. Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Predictions

    1. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots: Module Overview

    2. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots: Overview of AWS

    3. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots: Services of AWS

    4. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots: Salient Features of AWS

    5. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots: Lex Bot Overview

    6. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots: Benifits of Amazon Lex

    7. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots: Framework of Lex

    8. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Module Overview

    9. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Chatbot Steps

    10. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: AWS Lambda Steps

    11. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Twilio and Website

    12. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Response Cards

    13. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Start Developing Chatbot

    14. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Intent Utterance and Slot

    15. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Making Utterances

    16. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Generic Utterance with Slots

    17. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Adding Custom Slots

    18. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Build and Test

    19. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Visual Builder

    20. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Lambda Introduction

    21. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Interconnection

    22. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Starting Lambda Code

    23. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Session state Dialog Hook and Dialog Action

    24. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Completing Lambda Function

    25. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Testing our Chatbot

    26. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Chatbot Deployment on Whatsapp with Twilio

    27. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Integration with Boto

    28. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Responses with Boto

    29. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Chatbot on Website

    30. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Response Cards for User Experience

    31. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda: Complete Chatbot with Response Cards

About this course

  • $199.99
  • 101 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content