Course curriculum
Introduction: Introduction to Instructor
Introduction: Introduction to Course
Basics of Deep Learning: Problem to Solve Part 1
Basics of Deep Learning: Problem to Solve Part 2
Basics of Deep Learning: Problem to Solve Part 3
Basics of Deep Learning: Linear Equation
Basics of Deep Learning: Linear Equation Vectorized
Basics of Deep Learning: 3D Feature Space
Basics of Deep Learning: N Dimensional Space
Basics of Deep Learning: Theory of Perceptron
Basics of Deep Learning: Implementing Basic Perceptron
Basics of Deep Learning: Logical Gates for Perceptrons
Basics of Deep Learning: Perceptron Training Part 1
Basics of Deep Learning: Perceptron Training Part 2
Basics of Deep Learning: Learning Rate
Basics of Deep Learning: Perceptron Training Part 3
Basics of Deep Learning: Perceptron Algorithm
Basics of Deep Learning: Coading Perceptron Algo (Data Reading & Visualization)
Basics of Deep Learning: Coading Perceptron Algo (Perceptron Step)
Basics of Deep Learning: Coading Perceptron Algo (Training Perceptron)
Basics of Deep Learning: Coading Perceptron Algo (Visualizing the Results)
Basics of Deep Learning: Problem with Linear Solutions
Basics of Deep Learning: Solution to Problem
Basics of Deep Learning: Error Functions
Basics of Deep Learning: Discrete vs Continuous Error Function
Basics of Deep Learning: Sigmoid Function
Basics of Deep Learning: Multi-Class Problem
Basics of Deep Learning: Problem of Negative Scores
Basics of Deep Learning: Need of Softmax
Basics of Deep Learning: Coding Softmax
Basics of Deep Learning: One Hot Encoding
Basics of Deep Learning: Maximum Likelihood Part 1
Basics of Deep Learning: Maximum Likelihood Part 2
Basics of Deep Learning: Cross Entropy
Basics of Deep Learning: Cross Entropy Formulation
Basics of Deep Learning: Multi Class Cross Entropy
Basics of Deep Learning: Cross Entropy Implementation
Basics of Deep Learning: Sigmoid Function Implementation
Basics of Deep Learning: Output Function Implementation
Deep Learning: Introduction to Gradient Decent
Deep Learning: Convex Functions
Deep Learning: Use of Derivatives
Deep Learning: How Gradient Decent Works
Deep Learning: Gradient Step
Deep Learning: Logistic Regression Algorithm
Deep Learning: Data Visualization and Reading
Deep Learning: Updating Weights in Python
Deep Learning: Implementing Logistic Regression
Deep Learning: Visualization and Results
Deep Learning: Gradient Decent vs Perceptron
Deep Learning: Linear to Non Linear Boundaries
Deep Learning: Combining Probabilities
Deep Learning: Weighted Sums
Deep Learning: Neural Network Architecture
Deep Learning: Layers and DEEP Networks
Deep Learning:Multi Class Classification
Deep Learning: Basics of Feed Forward
Deep Learning: Feed Forward for DEEP Net
Deep Learning: Deep Learning Algo Overview
Deep Learning: Basics of Back Propagation
Deep Learning: Updating Weights
Deep Learning: Chain Rule for BackPropagation
Deep Learning: Sigma Prime
Deep Learning: Data Analysis NN Implementation
Deep Learning: One Hot Encoding (NN Implementation)
Deep Learning: Scaling the Data (NN Implementation)
Deep Learning: Splitting the Data (NN Implementation)
Deep Learning: Helper Functions (NN Implementation)
Deep Learning: Training (NN Implementation)
Deep Learning: Testing (NN Implementation)
Optimizations: Underfitting vs Overfitting
Optimizations: Early Stopping
Optimizations: Quiz
Optimizations: Solution & Regularization
Optimizations: L1 & L2 Regularization
Optimizations: Dropout
Optimizations: Local Minima Problem
Optimizations: Random Restart Solution
Optimizations: Vanishing Gradient Problem
Optimizations: Other Activation Functions
Final Project: Final Project Part 1
Final Project: Final Project Part 2
Final Project: Final Project Part 3
Final Project: Final Project Part 4
Final Project: Final Project Part 5
Introduction: Instructor Introduction
Introduction: Why CNN
Introduction: Focus of the Course
Image Processing: Gray Scale Images
Image Processing: Gray Scale Images Quiz
Image Processing: Gray Scale Images Solution
Image Processing: RGB Images
Image Processing: RGB Images Quiz
Image Processing: RGB Images Solution
Image Processing: Reading and Showing Images in Python
Image Processing: Reading and Showing Images in Python Quiz
Image Processing: Reading and Showing Images in Python Solution
Image Processing: Converting an Image to Grayscale in Python
Image Processing: Converting an Image to Grayscale in Python Quiz
Image Processing: Converting an Image to Grayscale in Python Solution
Image Processing: Image Formation
Image Processing: Image Formation Quiz
Image Processing: Image Formation Solution
Image Processing: Image Blurring 1
Image Processing: Image Blurring 1 Quiz
Image Processing: Image Blurring 1 Solution
Image Processing: Image Blurring 2
Image Processing: Image Blurring 2 Quiz
Image Processing: Image Blurring 2 Solution
Image Processing: General Image Filtering
Image Processing: Convolution
Image Processing: Edge Detection
Image Processing: Image Sharpening
Image Processing: Implementation of Image Blurring Edge Detection Image Sharpening in Python
Image Processing: Parameteric Shape Detection
Image Processing: Image Processing Activity
Image Processing: Image Processing Activity Solution
Object Detection: Introduction to Object Detection
Object Detection: Classification PipleLine
Object Detection: Classification PipleLine Quiz
Object Detection: Classification PipleLine Solution
Object Detection: Sliding Window Implementation
Object Detection: Shift Scale Rotation Invariance
Object Detection: Shift Scale Rotation Invariance Exercise
Object Detection: Person Detection
Object Detection: HOG Features
Object Detection: HOG Features Exercise
Object Detection: Hand Engineering vs CNNs
Object Detection: Object Detection Activity
Deep Neural Network Overview: Neuron and Perceptron
Deep Neural Network Overview: DNN Architecture
Deep Neural Network Overview: DNN Architecture Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: DNN Architecture Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: FeedForward FullyConnected MLP
Deep Neural Network Overview: Calculating Number of Weights of DNN
Deep Neural Network Overview: Calculating Number of Weights of DNN Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: Calculating Number of Weights of DNN Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: Number of Nuerons vs Number of Layers
Deep Neural Network Overview: Discriminative vs Generative Learning
Deep Neural Network Overview: Universal Approximation Therorem
Deep Neural Network Overview: Why Depth
Deep Neural Network Overview: Decision Boundary in DNN
Deep Neural Network Overview: Decision Boundary in DNN Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: Decision Boundary in DNN Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: BiasTerm
Deep Neural Network Overview: BiasTerm Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: BiasTerm Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: Activation Function
Deep Neural Network Overview: Activation Function Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: Activation Function Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: DNN Training Parameters
Deep Neural Network Overview: DNN Training Parameters Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: DNN Training Parameters Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: Gradient Descent
Deep Neural Network Overview: BackPropagation
Deep Neural Network Overview: Training DNN Animantion
Deep Neural Network Overview: Weigth Initialization
Deep Neural Network Overview: Weigth Initialization Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: Weigth Initialization Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: Batch miniBatch Stocastic Gradient Descent
Deep Neural Network Overview: Batch Normalization
Deep Neural Network Overview: Rprop and Momentum
Deep Neural Network Overview: Rprop and Momentum Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: Rprop and Momentum Solution
Deep Neural Network Overview: Convergence Animation
Deep Neural Network Overview: DropOut, Early Stopping and Hyperparameters
Deep Neural Network Overview: DropOut, Early Stopping and Hyperparameters Quiz
Deep Neural Network Overview: DropOut, Early Stopping and Hyperparameters Solution
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Convolution Revisited
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Implementing Convolution in Python Revisited
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Why Convolution
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Filters Padding Strides
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Padding Image
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Pooling Tensors
Deep Neural Network Architecture: CNN Example
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Convolution and Pooling Details
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Maxpooling Exercise
Deep Neural Network Architecture: NonVectorized Implementations of Conv2d and Pool2d
Deep Neural Network Architecture: Deep Neural Network Architecture Activity
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Example Setup
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Why Derivaties
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Why Derivaties Quiz
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Why Derivaties Solution
Gradient Descent in CNNs: What is Chain Rule
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Applying Chain Rule
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Gradients of MaxPooling Layer
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Gradients of MaxPooling Layer Quiz
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Gradients of MaxPooling Layer Solution
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Gradients of Convolutional Layer
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Extending To Multiple Filters
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Extending to Multiple Layers
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Extending to Multiple Layers Quiz
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Extending to Multiple Layers Solution
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Implementation in Numpy ForwardPass
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Implementation in Numpy BackwardPass 1
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Implementation in Numpy BackwardPass 2
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Implementation in Numpy BackwardPass 3
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Implementation in Numpy BackwardPass 4
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Implementation in Numpy BackwardPass 5
Gradient Descent in CNNs: Gradient Descent in CNNs Activity
Introduction to TensorFlow: Introduction
Introduction to TensorFlow: FashionMNIST Example Plan Neural Network
Introduction to TensorFlow: FashionMNIST Example CNN
Introduction to TensorFlow: Introduction to TensorFlow Activity
Classical CNNs: LeNet
Classical CNNs: LeNet Quiz
Classical CNNs: LeNet Solution
Classical CNNs: AlexNet
Classical CNNs: VGG
Classical CNNs: InceptionNet
Classical CNNs: GoogLeNet
Classical CNNs: Classical CNNs Activity
Transfer Learning: What is Transfer learning
Transfer Learning: Why Transfer Learning
Transfer Learning: ImageNet Challenge
Transfer Learning: Practical Tips
Transfer Learning: Project in TensorFlow
Transfer Learning: Transfer Learning Activity
Yolo: Image Classfication Revisited
Yolo: Sliding Window Object Localization
Yolo: Sliding Window Efficient Implementation
Yolo: Yolo Introduction
Yolo: Yolo Training Data Generation
Yolo: Yolo Anchor Boxes
Yolo: Yolo Algorithm
Yolo: Yolo Non Maxima Supression
Yolo: RCNN
Yolo: Yolo Activity
Face Verification: Problem Setup
Face Verification: Project Implementation
Face Verification: Face Verification Activity
Neural Style Transfer: Problem Setup
Neural Style Transfer: Implementation Tensorflow Hub
Introduction: Introduction to Instructor and Aisciences
Introduction: Introduction To Instructor
Introduction: Focus of the Course
Applications of RNN (Motivation): Human Activity Recognition
Applications of RNN (Motivation): Image Captioning
Applications of RNN (Motivation): Machine Translation
Applications of RNN (Motivation): Speech Recognition
Applications of RNN (Motivation): Stock Price Predictions
Applications of RNN (Motivation): When to Model RNN
Applications of RNN (Motivation): Activity
DNN Overview: Why PyTorch
DNN Overview: PyTorch Installation and Tensors Introduction
DNN Overview: Automatic Diffrenciation Pytorch New
DNN Overview: Why DNNs in Machine Learning
DNN Overview: Representational Power and Data Utilization Capacity of DNN
DNN Overview: Perceptron
DNN Overview: Perceptron Exercise
DNN Overview: Perceptron Exercise Solution
DNN Overview: Perceptron Implementation
DNN Overview: DNN Architecture
DNN Overview: DNN Architecture Exercise
DNN Overview: DNN Architecture Exercise Solution
DNN Overview: DNN ForwardStep Implementation
DNN Overview: DNN Why Activation Function Is Required
DNN Overview: DNN Why Activation Function Is Required Exercise
DNN Overview: DNN Why Activation Function Is Required Exercise Solution
DNN Overview: DNN Properties Of Activation Function
DNN Overview: DNN Activation Functions In Pytorch
DNN Overview: DNN What Is Loss Function
DNN Overview: DNN What Is Loss Function Exercise
DNN Overview: DNN What Is Loss Function Exercise Solution
DNN Overview: DNN What Is Loss Function Exercise 02
DNN Overview: DNN What Is Loss Function Exercise 02 Solution
DNN Overview: DNN Loss Function In Pytorch
DNN Overview: DNN Gradient Descent
DNN Overview: DNN Gradient Descent Exercise
DNN Overview: DNN Gradient Descent Exercise Solution
DNN Overview: DNN Gradient Descent Implementation
DNN Overview: DNN Gradient Descent Stochastic Batch Minibatch
DNN Overview: DNN Gradient Descent Summary
DNN Overview: DNN Implemenation Gradient Step
DNN Overview: DNN Implemenation Stochastic Gradient Descent
DNN Overview: DNN Implemenation Batch Gradient Descent
DNN Overview: DNN Implemenation Minibatch Gradient Descent
DNN Overview: DNN Implemenation In PyTorch
DNN Overview: DNN Weights Initializations
DNN Overview: DNN Learning Rate
DNN Overview: DNN Batch Normalization
DNN Overview: DNN batch Normalization Implementation
DNN Overview: DNN Optimizations
DNN Overview: DNN Dropout
DNN Overview: DNN Dropout In PyTorch
DNN Overview: DNN Early Stopping
DNN Overview: DNN Hyperparameters
DNN Overview: DNN Pytorch CIFAR10 Example
RNN Architecture: Introduction to Module
RNN Architecture: Fixed Length Memory Model
RNN Architecture: Fixed Length Memory Model Exercise
RNN Architecture: Fixed Length Memory Model Exercise Solution Part 01
RNN Architecture: Fixed Length Memory Model Exercise Solution Part 02
RNN Architecture: Infinite Memory Architecture
RNN Architecture: Infinite Memory Architecture Exercise
RNN Architecture: Infinite Memory Architecture Solution
RNN Architecture: Weight Sharing
RNN Architecture: Notations
RNN Architecture: ManyToMany Model
RNN Architecture: ManyToMany Model Exercise 01
RNN Architecture: ManyToMany Model Solution 01
RNN Architecture: ManyToMany Model Exercise 02
RNN Architecture: ManyToMany Model Solution 02
RNN Architecture: ManyToOne Model
RNN Architecture: OneToMany Model Exercise
RNN Architecture: OneToMany Model Solution
RNN Architecture: OneToMany Model
RNN Architecture: ManyToOne Model Exercise
RNN Architecture: ManyToOne Model Solution
RNN Architecture: Activity Many to One
RNN Architecture: Activity Many to One Exercise
RNN Architecture: Activity Many to One Solution
RNN Architecture: ManyToMany Different Sizes Model
RNN Architecture: Activity Many to Many Nmt
RNN Architecture: Models Summary
RNN Architecture: Deep RNNs
RNN Architecture: Deep RNNs Exercise
RNN Architecture: Deep RNNs Solution
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Introduction to Gradient Descent Module
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Example Setup
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Equations
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Equations Exercise
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Equations Solution
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Loss Function
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Why Gradients
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Why Gradients Exercise
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Why Gradients Solution
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Chain Rule
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Chain Rule in Action
Gradient Decsent in RNN: BackPropagation Through Time
Gradient Decsent in RNN: Activity
RNN implementation: Automatic Diffrenciation
RNN implementation: Automatic Diffrenciation Pytorch
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Vocabulary Index
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Vocabulary Index Embeddings
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction RNN Architecture
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 1
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 2
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 3
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 4
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 5
RNN implementation: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 6
Sentiment Classification using RNN: Vocabulary Implementation
Sentiment Classification using RNN: Vocabulary Implementation Helpers
Sentiment Classification using RNN: Vocabulary Implementation From File
Sentiment Classification using RNN: Vectorizer
Sentiment Classification using RNN: RNN Setup 1
Sentiment Classification using RNN: RNN Setup
Sentiment Classification using RNN: WhatNext
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: Introduction to Better RNNs Module
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: Introduction Vanishing Gradients in RNN
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: GRU
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: GRU Optional
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: LSTM
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: LSTM Optional
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: Bidirectional RNN
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: Attention Model
Vanishing Gradients in RNN: Attention Model Optional
TensorFlow: Introduction to TensorFlow
TensorFlow: TensorFlow Text Classification Example using RNN
Project I: Book Writer: Introduction
Project I: Book Writer: Data Mapping
Project I: Book Writer: Modling RNN Architecture
Project I: Book Writer: Modling RNN Model in TensorFlow
Project I: Book Writer: Modling RNN Model Training
Project I: Book Writer: Modling RNN Model Text Generation
Project I: Book Writer: Activity
Project II: Stock Price Prediction: Problem Statement
Project II: Stock Price Prediction: Data Set
Project II: Stock Price Prediction: Data Prepration
Project II: Stock Price Prediction: RNN Model Training and Evaluation
Project II: Stock Price Prediction: Activity
Further Readings and Resourses: Further Readings and Resourses 1
Introduction: Introduction to Course
Introduction: Introduction to Instructor
Introduction: Introduction to Co-Instructor
Introduction: Course Introduction
Introduction(Regular Expressions): What Is Regular Expression
Introduction(Regular Expressions): Why Regular Expression
Introduction(Regular Expressions): ELIZA Chatbot
Introduction(Regular Expressions): Python Regular Expression Package
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters Bigbrackets Exercise
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters Bigbrackets Exercise Solution
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters Bigbrackets Exercise 2
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters Bigbrackets Exercise 2 Solution
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters Cap
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters Cap Exercise 3
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Characters Cap Exercise 3 Solution
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash Continued
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash Continued 01
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash Squared Brackets Exercise
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash Squared Brackets Exercise Solution
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash Squared Brackets Exercise Another Solution
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash Exercise
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Backslash Exercise Solution And Special Sequences Exercise
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Solution And Special Sequences Exercise Solution
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Asterisk
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Asterisk Exercise
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Asterisk Exercise Solution
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Asterisk Homework
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Asterisk Greedymatching
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Plus And Questionmark
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Curly Brackets Exercise
Meta Characters(Regular Expressions): Meta Character Curly Brackets Exercise Solution
Pattern Objects: Pattern Objects
Pattern Objects: Pattern Objects Match Method Exercise
Pattern Objects: Pattern Objects Match Method Exercise Solution
Pattern Objects: Pattern Objects Match Method Vs Search Method
Pattern Objects: Pattern Objects Finditer Method
Pattern Objects: Pattern Objects Finditer Method Exercise Solution
More Meta Characters: Meta Characters Logical Or
More Meta Characters: Meta Characters Beginning And End Patterns
More Meta Characters: Meta Characters Paranthesis
String Modification: String Modification
String Modification: Word Tokenizer Using Split Method
String Modification: Sub Method Exercise
String Modification: Sub Method Exercise Solution
Words and Tokens: What Is A Word
Words and Tokens: Definition Of Word Is Task Dependent
Words and Tokens: Vocabulary And Corpus
Words and Tokens: Tokens
Words and Tokens: Tokenization In Spacy
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Introduction
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Vocabulary Initialization
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Adding Tokens To Vocabulary
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Look Up Functions In Vocabulary
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Building Vocabulary From Data
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project One Hot Encoding
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project One Hot Encoding Implementation
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Encoding Documents
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Encoding Documents Implementation
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Train Test Splits
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Featurecomputation
Sentiment Classification: Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Classification
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization In Detial Introduction
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Is Hard
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding Example
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding On Test Data
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding Implementation Getpaircounts
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding Implementation Mergeincorpus
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding Implementation BFE Training
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding Implementation BFE Encoding
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding Implementation BFE Encoding One Pair
Language Independent Tokenization: Tokenization Byte Pair Encoding Implementation BFE Encoding One Pair 1
Text Nomalization: Word Normalization Case Folding
Text Nomalization: Word Normalization Lematization
Text Nomalization: Word Normalization Stemming
Text Nomalization: Word Normalization Sentence Segmentation
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Minimum Edit Distance Intro
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Minimum Edit Distance Example
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Minimum Edit Distance Table Filling
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Minimum Edit Distance Dynamic Programming
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Minimum Edit Distance Psudocode
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Minimum Edit Distance Implementation
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Minimum Edit Distance Implementation Bugfixing
String Matching and Spelling Correction: Spelling Correction Implementation
Language Modeling: What Is A Language Model
Language Modeling: Language Model Formal Definition
Language Modeling: Language Model Curse Of Dimensionality
Language Modeling: Language Model Markov Assumption And N-Grams
Language Modeling: Language Model Implementation Setup
Language Modeling: Language Model Implementation Ngrams Function
Language Modeling: Language Model Implementation Update Counts Function
Language Modeling: Language Model Implementation Probability Model Funciton
Language Modeling: Language Model Implementation Reading Corpus
Language Modeling: Language Model Implementation Sampling Text
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: One Hot Vectors
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: One Hot Vectors Implementaton
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: One Hot Vectors Limitations
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: One Hot Vectors Uses As Target Labeling
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Term Frequency For Document Representations
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Term Frequency For Document Representations Implementations
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Term Frequency For Word Representations
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: TFIDF For Document Representations
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: TFIDF For Document Representations Implementation Reading Corpus
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: TFIDF For Document Representations Implementation Computing Document Frequency
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: TFIDF For Document Representations Implementation Computing TFIDF
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Topic Modeling With TFIDF 1
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Topic Modeling With TFIDF 3
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Topic Modeling With TFIDF 4
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Topic Modeling With TFIDF 5
Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations: Topic Modeling With Gensim
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix vs Document-term Matrix
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix Implementation Preparing Data
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix Implementation Preparing Data 2
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix Implementation Preparing Data Getting Vocabulary
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix Implementation Final Function
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix Implementation Handling Memory Issues On Large Corpus
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix Sparsity
Word Embeddings LSI: Word Co-occurrence Matrix Positive Point Wise Mutual Information PPMI
Word Embeddings LSI: PCA For Dense Embeddings
Word Embeddings LSI: Latent Semantic Analysis
Word Embeddings LSI: Latent Semantic Analysis Implementation
Word Semantics: Cosine Similarity
Word Semantics: Cosine Similarity Geting Norms Of Vectors
Word Semantics: Cosine Similarity Normalizing Vectors
Word Semantics: Cosine Similarity With More Than One Vectors
Word Semantics: Cosine Similarity Getting Most Similar Words In The Vocabulary
Word Semantics: Cosine Similarity Getting Most Similar Words In The Vocabulary Fixingbug Of Dimensions
Word Semantics: Cosine Similarity Word2Vec Embeddings
Word Semantics: Words Analogies
Word Semantics: Words Analogies Implemenation 1
Word Semantics: Words Analogies Implemenation 2
Word Semantics: Words Visualizations
Word Semantics: Words Visualizations Implementaion
Word Semantics: Words Visualizations Implementaion 2
Word2vec: Static And Dynamic Embeddings
Word2vec: Self Supervision
Word2vec: Word2Vec Algorithm Abstract
Word2vec: Word2Vec Why Negative Sampling
Word2vec: Word2Vec What Is Skip Gram
Word2vec: Word2Vec How To Define Probability Law
Word2vec: Word2Vec Sigmoid
Word2vec: Word2Vec Formalizing Loss Function
Word2vec: Word2Vec Loss Function
Word2vec: Word2Vec Gradient Descent Step
Word2vec: Word2Vec Implemenation Preparing Data
Word2vec: Word2Vec Implemenation Gradient Step
Word2vec: Word2Vec Implemenation Driver Function
Need of Deep Learning for NLP: Why RNNs For NLP
Need of Deep Learning for NLP: Pytorch Installation And Tensors Introduction
Need of Deep Learning for NLP: Automatic Diffrenciation Pytorch
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): Why DNNs In Machine Learning
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): Representational Power And Data Utilization Capacity Of DNN
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): Perceptron
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): Perceptron Implementation
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): DNN Architecture
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): DNN Forwardstep Implementation
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): DNN Why Activation Function Is Require
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): DNN Properties Of Activation Function
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): DNN Activation Functions In Pytorch
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): DNN What Is Loss Function
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning DNN): DNN Loss Function In Pytorch
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Gradient Descent
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Gradient Descent Implementation
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Gradient Descent Stochastic Batch Minibatch
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Gradient Descent Summary
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Implemenation Gradient Step
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Implemenation Stochastic Gradient Descent
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Implemenation Batch Gradient Descent
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Implemenation Minibatch Gradient Descent
Training(NLP with DNN): DNN Implemenation In Pytorch
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Weights Initializations
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Learning Rate
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Batch Normalization
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Batch Normalization Implementation
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Optimizations
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Dropout
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Dropout In Pytorch
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Early Stopping
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Hyperparameters
Hyper parameters(NLP with DNN): DNN Pytorch CIFAR10 Example
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): What Is RNN
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): Understanding RNN With A Simple Example
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): RNN Applications Human Activity Recognition
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): RNN Applications Image Captioning
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): RNN Applications Machine Translation
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): RNN Applications Machine Translation
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): RNN Applications Speech Recognition Stock Price Prediction
Introduction(NLP with Deep Learning RNN): RNN Models
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Vocabulary Index
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Vocabulary Index Embeddings
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Rnn Architecture
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 1
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 2
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 3
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 4
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 5
Mini-project Language Modelling: Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 6
Mini-project Sentiment Classification: Vocabulary Implementation
Mini-project Sentiment Classification: Vocabulary Implementation Helpers
Mini-project Sentiment Classification: Vocabulary Implementation From File
Mini-project Sentiment Classification: Vectorizer
Mini-project Sentiment Classification: RNN Setup
Mini-project Sentiment Classification: RNN Setup 1
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Introduction
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Embedding Layer
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Nn Rnn
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Output Shapes
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Gatedunits
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Gatedunits GRU LSTM
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Bidirectional RNN
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Bidirectional RNN Output Shapes
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Bidirectional RNN Output Shapes Seperation
RNN in PyTorch: RNN In Pytorch Example
Advanced RNN models: RNN Encoder Decoder
Advanced RNN models: RNN Attention
Neural Machine Translation: Introduction To Dataset And Packages
Neural Machine Translation: Implementing Language Class
Neural Machine Translation: Testing Language Class And Implementing Normalization
Neural Machine Translation: Reading Datafile
Neural Machine Translation: Reading Building Vocabulary
Neural Machine Translation: EncoderRNN
Neural Machine Translation: DecoderRNN
Neural Machine Translation: DecoderRNN Forward Step
Neural Machine Translation: DecoderRNN Helper Functions
Neural Machine Translation: Training Module
Neural Machine Translation: Stochastic Gradient Descent
Neural Machine Translation: NMT Training
Neural Machine Translation: NMT Evaluation
Introduction: Course and Instructor Introduction
Introduction: AI Sciences Introduction
Introduction: Course Description
Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Module Introduction
Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Conventional vs AI Chatbots
Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Geneative vs Retrievel Chatbots
Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Benifits of Deep Learning Chatbots
Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Chatbots in Medical Domain
Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Chatbots in Business
Fundamentals of Chatbots for Deep Learning: Chatbots in E-Commerce
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Module Introduction
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Deep Learning Architecture
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Encoder Decoder
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Steps Involved
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Project Overview and Packages
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Importing Libraries
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Data Prepration
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Develop Vocabulary
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Max Story and Question Length
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Tokenizer
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Separation and Sequence
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Vectorize Stories
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Vectorizing Train and Test Data
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Encoding
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Answer and Response
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Model Completion
Deep Learning Based Chatbot Architecture and Develpment: Predictions
Introduction: Course Outline
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Module Introduction
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Overview
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Deep Learning in Recommendation Systems
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Inference After Training
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Inference Mechanism
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Embeddings and User Context
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Neutral Collaborative Filterin
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: VAE Collaborative Filtering
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Strengths and Weaknesses of DL Models
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Deep Learning Quiz
Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems: Deep Learning Quiz Solution
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Module Overview
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: TensorFlow Recommenders
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Two Tower Model
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Project Overview
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Download Libraries
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Data Visualization with WordCloud
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Make Tensors from DataFrame
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Rating Our Data
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Random Train-Test Split
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Making the Model and Query Tower
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Candidate Tower and Retrieval System
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Compute Loss
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Train and Validation
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Accuracy vs Recommendations
Project Amazon Product Recommendation System: Making Recommendations
About this course
- $199.99
- 659 lessons
- 64.5 hours of video content