Course curriculum

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    • Introduction
    • Course Outline
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    Deep Learning Foundation for Recommender Systems

    • Module Introduction
    • Overview
    • Deep Learning in Recommendation systems
    • Inference After Training
    • Inference Mechanism
    • Embeddings and User Context
    • Neutral Collaborative Filtering
    • VAE Collaborative Filtering
    • Strengths and Weaknesses of DL Models
    • Deep Learning Quiz
    • Deep Learning Quiz Solution
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    Project Amazon Product Recommendation System

    • Module Overview
    • TensorFlow Recommenders
    • Two Tower Model
    • Project Overview
    • Download Libraries
    • Data Visualization with WordCloud
    • Make Tensors from DataFrame
    • Rating Our Data
    • Random Train-Test Split
    • Making the Model and Query Tower
    • Candidate Tower and Retrieval System
    • Compute Loss
    • Train and Validation
    • Accuracy vs Recommendations
    • Making Recommendations