Course curriculum

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    Scala & Spark-Master Big Data with Scala and Spark

    • Introduction: Why Scala
    • Introduction: Scala Applications
    • Introduction: About the Instructor
    • Introduction: Introduction to Course
    • Introduction: Projects Overview
    • Overview: What is Scala
    • Overview: Scala Setup (Local Machine)
    • Overview: Scala Setup (Online)
    • Overview: Variables in Scala
    • Overview: Arithamatic Operations on Variables-1
    • Overview: Arithamatic Operations on Variables-2
    • Overview: Quiz (Arithmatic Operations)
    • Overview: Solution (Arithmatic Operations)
    • Overview: Quiz (Strings)
    • Overview: Solution (Strings)
    • Overview: Type Casting
    • Overview: Taking input from User
    • Overview: Quiz (User Input and Type Casting)
    • Overview: Solution (User Input and Type Casting)
    • Flow Control: Overview of Control Statements
    • Flow Control: If else statements
    • Flow Control: Conditions in If
    • Flow Control: Quiz (if statement)
    • Flow Control: Solution (if statement)
    • Flow Control: Nested if else
    • Flow Control: Quiz (nested if else)
    • Flow Control: Solution (nested if else)
    • Flow Control: Logical operators
    • Flow Control: Quiz (Logical operators)
    • Flow Control: Solution (Logical operators)
    • Flow Control: If else if
    • Flow Control: Quiz (if else if)
    • Flow Control: Solution(if else if)
    • Flow Control: Overview of Loops
    • Flow Control: Overview of While Loop
    • Flow Control: While Loop
    • Flow Control: Quiz (while loop)
    • Flow Control: Solution 1 (while loop)
    • Flow Control: Solution 2 (while loop)
    • Flow Control: Do While Loop
    • Flow Control: For Loop
    • Flow Control: Quiz (For Loop)
    • Flow Control: Solution (For Loop)
    • Flow Control: Quiz(For Loop)
    • Flow Control: Solution(For Loop)
    • Flow Control: Break
    • Flow Control: Break Fix
    • Flow Control: Project Overview
    • Flow Control: Project Solution Design
    • Flow Control: Project Solution Code 1
    • Flow Control: Project Solution Code 2
    • Flow Control: Project Solution Code 3
    • Flow Control: Project Solution Code 4
    • Functions: Overview of Functions
    • Functions: Writing addition function
    • Functions: Quiz (Basic Function)
    • Functions: Solution (Basic Function)
    • Functions: Functions common issues
    • Functions: Named Arguments
    • Functions: Quiz (String Concatination Function)
    • Functions: Solution (String Concatination Function)
    • Functions: Quiz (Dividing Code in Functions)
    • Functions: Solution (Dividing Code in Functions)
    • Functions: Default Arguments
    • Functions: Quiz(Default Arguments)
    • Functions: Solution(Default Arguments)
    • Functions: Anonymous Functions
    • Functions: Quiz(Anonymous Functions)
    • Functions: Solution(Anonymous Functions)
    • Functions: Scopes
    • Functions: Project Overview
    • Functions: Checking Credentials
    • Functions: Prompting the menu
    • Functions: Baisc Functions
    • Functions: Breaking code in more functions
    • Functions: Final Run
    • Classes: Introduction to Classes
    • Classes: Creating Class
    • Classes: Class Constructor
    • Classes: Functions and Classes
    • Classes: Project Overview
    • Classes: Basic Strucuture
    • Classes: Final Run
    • Data Structures: Introduction of Data Structures
    • Data Structures: Lists introduction
    • Data Structures: Lists Create and Delete Elements
    • Data Structures: Lists Take
    • Data Structures: ListBuffer Introduction
    • Data Structures: Add data in ListBuffer
    • Data Structures: Remove data from ListBuffer
    • Data Structures: Take data from ListBuffer
    • Data Structures: Project Overview
    • Data Structures: Project Architecture Discussion
    • Data Structures: Project Architecture Implementation
    • Data Structures: User Input for Objects
    • Data Structures: Implementing the control flow
    • Data Structures: Creating Required Functions inside Class
    • Data Structures: Overview of Maps
    • Data Structures: Creating Maps
    • Data Structures: Check Key in Map
    • Data Structures: Update Value in Map
    • Data Structures: Add and Remove items from Maps
    • Data Structures: Iterating on Maps
    • Data Structures: Project Overview
    • Data Structures: Project Architecture
    • Data Structures: Project Structure Code
    • Data Structures: Using Maps for word count
    • Data Structures: Final Run
    • Data Structures: Sets Overview
    • Data Structures: Add and Remove Item from the Set
    • Data Structures: Set Operations
    • Data Structures: Overview of Stack
    • Data Structures: Push and Pop in Stack
    • Data Structures: Stack Attributes
    • Data Structures: Project Overview
    • Data Structures: Project Architecture
    • Data Structures: Extra Closing Bracket Use Case
    • Data Structures: Extra Starting Bracket Use Case
    • Project: Project Introduction
    • Project: Why Spark
    • Project: Hadoop EcoSystem
    • Project: Spark Architecture
    • Project: Spark EcoSystem
    • Project: DataBricks Account
    • Project: Setting up DataBricks Cluster
    • Project: Spark Local Setup
    • Project: Spark Hadoop Setup
    • Project: Spark RDDs
    • Project: Spark RDDs (textFile, collect)
    • Project: Spark Local Run
    • Project: Understanding Map
    • Project: Understanding Flat Map
    • Project: Understanding Reduce By Key
    • Project: Word Count Example
    • Project: Spark DFs
    • Project: Spark DF Read Data
    • Project: Spark Print Schema, Select
    • Project: Spark GroupBy
    • Project: Spark DF Write
    • Project: Creating S3 bucket
    • Project: Creating Database in RDS
    • Project: Performing ETL
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    MongoDB Mastery: Your Essential Guide to Dominating Database

    • Introduction: Why MongoDB
    • Introduction: Applications of MongoDB
    • Introduction: Instructor Introduction
    • Introduction: What_s inside
    • Introduction: Methodology
    • Introduction: Project
    • Overview: SQL Schema
    • Overview: NoSQL Schema
    • Overview: Installing MongoDB
    • Overview: Setting Enviroment Variable
    • Overview: Analogies
    • Basic Mongo Operations: Basic Database commands
    • Basic Mongo Operations: Basic Database commands
    • Basic Mongo Operations: Basic Collection Commands
    • Basic Create Operation: Introduction to module
    • Basic Create Operation: Create Document (Single)
    • Basic Create Operation: Create Documents (Many)
    • Basic Create Operation: Quiz (Create Documents)
    • Basic Create Operation: Solution (Create Docuements)
    • Basic Create Operation: Quiz (Create Document)
    • Basic Create Operation: Solution (Create Document)
    • Basic Create Operation: Outro
    • Basic Update Operation: Introduction
    • Basic Update Operation: Update Documents (Sinlge Filter)
    • Basic Update Operation: Update Documents
    • Basic Update Operation: Quiz (Update Operation)
    • Basic Update Operation: Solution (Update Operation)
    • Basic Update Operation: Quiz (Update Operation)
    • Basic Update Operation: Solution (Update Operation)
    • Basic Update Operation: Solution (Update Operation)
    • Basic Update Operation: Outro
    • Basic Read Operation: Introduction
    • Basic Read Operation: Read Documents
    • Basic Read Operation: Quiz (Read Documents)
    • Basic Read Operation: Solution (Read Documents)
    • Basic Read Operation: Quiz (Read Documents)
    • Basic Read Operation: Solution (Read Documents)
    • Basic Read Operation: Outro
    • Basic Delete Operation: Introduction
    • Basic Delete Operation: Delete Document
    • Basic Delete Operation: Quiz (Delete Operation)
    • Basic Delete Operation: Solution (Delete Operation)
    • Basic Delete Operation: Quiz (Delete Operation)
    • Basic Delete Operation: Solution (Delete Operation)
    • Basic Delete Operation: Outro
    • Query and projection operators: Module Introduction
    • Query and projection operators: $eq Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $gt Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $lt Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $in Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $ne Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $nin Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $and Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $or Operator
    • Query and projection operators:$not Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $exists Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $types Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $expr Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $mod Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $text Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $all Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $elemMatch Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $size Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $ Operator
    • Query and projection operators: $slice Operator
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($eq)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($eq)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($gt)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($gt)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($gte)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($gte)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($in)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($in)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($lt)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($lt)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($lte)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($lte)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($lte)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($ne)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($ne)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($nin)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($nin)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($nin)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($nin)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($and)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($and)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($or)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($or)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($or)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($not)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($not)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($not)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($not)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz ($exists)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution ($exists)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz($expr)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($expr)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz($mod)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($mod)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz($text)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($text)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz($all)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($all)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($all)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz($elemMatch)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($elemMatch)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($elemMatch)
    • Query and projection operators: Quiz($size)
    • Query and projection operators: Solution($size)
    • Update Operators: $currentDate operator
    • Update Operators: $inc operator
    • Update Operators: $inc operator
    • Update Operators: $min operator
    • Update Operators: $max operator
    • Update Operators: $mul operator
    • Update Operators: $rename operator
    • Update Operators: $set operator
    • Update Operators: $set operator
    • Update Operators: $unset operator
    • Update Operators: $addToSet operator
    • Update Operators: $pop operator
    • Update Operators: $pull operator
    • Update Operators: $push operator
    • Update Operators: $each operator
    • Update Operators: $position operator
    • Update Operators: $sort operator
    • Update Operators: Quiz (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Solution (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Solution (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Solution (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Solution (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Quiz (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Solution (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Solution (Update Operators)
    • Update Operators: Solution (Update Operators)
    • Mongo with Node: Installing Node on local machine
    • Mongo with Node: Installing VS code
    • Mongo with Node: Mongo atlas
    • Mongo with Node: Create Cluster on Mongo atlas
    • Mongo with Node: Creating User in Atlas
    • Mongo with Node: Network Access
    • Mongo with Node: Database and Collections
    • Mongo with Node: Connect Node with Mongo
    • Mongo with Node: Get databases
    • Mongo with Node: Insert in Mongo using Node
    • Mongo with Node: Read from Mongo using Node
    • Mongo with Node: Update in Mongo using Node
    • Mongo with Node: Delete from Mongo using Node
    • Mongo with Python: PyCharm
    • Mongo with Python: Creating Connection
    • Mongo with Python: Insert in Mongo using Python
    • Mongo with Python: Read from Mongo using Python
    • Mongo with Python: Update in Mongo using Python
    • Mongo with Python:Delete in Mongo using Python
    • Django with Mongo: Django Installation
    • Django with Mongo: Creating App
    • Django with Mongo: Setting up Django with Mongo
    • Django with Mongo: Django Migrations
    • Django with Mongo: Django Urls and Views
    • Django with Mongo: Django with Postman
    • Django with Mongo: Django get Data from Postman
    • Django with Mongo: Insert in Mongo using Django
    • Django with Mongo: Read from Mongo using Django
    • Django with Mongo: Update in Mongo using Django
    • Django with Mongo: Detele in Mongo using Django
    • Spark With Mongo: Databricks for Spark
    • Spark With Mongo: Installing Libraries
    • Spark With Mongo: Data Overview
    • Spark With Mongo: ETL
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    AWS Essentials: Master Cloud Computing from Scratch - AWS

    • Introduction: Introduction to Course
    • Introduction: What is AWS
    • Introduction to AWS: Creating AWS Account
    • Introduction to AWS: Exploring AWS Management Console
    • Introduction to AWS: Overview of AWS Services
    • Introduction to AWS: AWS Services
    • Introduction to AWS: IAM Policy Overview
    • Introduction to AWS: IAM Demo
    • Compute and Storage Services: Simple Storage Service
    • Compute and Storage Services: S3 Versioning
    • Compute and Storage Services: S3 Lifecyle
    • Compute and Storage Services: S3 Event Triggers
    • Compute and Storage Services: Introduction to AWS Lambda
    • Compute and Storage Services: Parsing Event in Lambda
    • Compute and Storage Services: Lambda Layer Introduction
    • Compute and Storage Services: Creating Lambda Layer
    • Compute and Storage Services: How to add Layer
    • Compute and Storage Services: AWS Glue
    • Compute and Storage Services: AWS Glue Job
    • Compute and Storage Services: Glue Crawler
    • Infrastructure as Code and Automation: Introduction to Cloudformation
    • Infrastructure as Code and Automation: Creating S3 Bucket using Cloudformation
    • Infrastructure as Code and Automation: AWS CLI
    • Network and database: Introduction to Virtual Private Cloud
    • Network and database: Creating Virtual Private Cloud using Console
    • Network and database: AWS Relational Database Service
    • Network and database: Creating RDS Database using Console
    • Network and database: Accessing RDS Instance using Glue
    • Network and database: Introduction to AWS Redshift
    • Network and database: Creating Redshift Cluster in Console
    • Network and database: Dynamodb
    • Network and database: Creating and Accessing Dynamodb Table
    • Additional Services: Introduction to AWS Security and Simple Queue Service
    • Additional Services: Accessing Secret Manager and Key Management Service using Console
    • Additional Services: Creating a Queue in Simple Queue Service
    • Additional Services: Introduction to Simple Notification Service
    • Additional Services: Creating and Sending Email using Simple Notification Service
    • Hands On Exercise: Problem Statement
    • Hands On Exercise: Proposed Solution
    • Hands On Exercise: Exploring the Lambda Function
    • Hands On Exercise: Testing the Pipeline
    • Hands On Exercise: Analyze the Data using Athena
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    Azure Cloud Mastery: Elevate Your Azure Cloud Data Skills

    • Introduction: Introduction to Azure
    • Introduction: Importance of Cloud Computing
    • Introduction: Basics of Azure Services
    • Introduction: Create Azure Account
    • Introduction: Create Resource Group
    • Introduction: Course Content
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Introduction to Module
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: What is Databricks
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Create Databricks Service
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: What is Cluster
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Create Cluster
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Databricks Storage System
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: WorkSpace Features
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Read from DBFS
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Read from Hive_Metastore
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Data Writing Into DB Storage
    • Mastering Azure Databricks: Advance Data Processing
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Introduction to Module
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: What is Azure Storage
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Popular Cloud Storage
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Storage Account Performance
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Storage Redundancy
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Primary Region Redundancy
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Secondary Region Redundancy
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Azure Blob Storage
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Blob Access Tier
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Azure File Storage
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Azure Queue Storage
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Azure Table Storage
    • Mastering Azure Storage Accounts: Create Azure Service 2
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Introduction to Module
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: What is ADF
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: ADF an ETL Tool
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Creat ADF service
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Integration Runtime
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Create Integrtion Runtime
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Linked Service
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Datasets
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Activities
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Pipelines
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Create Pipeline
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Trigger
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Schedule Trigger
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Tumbling Window Trigger
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Event Based Trigger
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Create Trigger
    • Mastering Azure Data Factory: Data Flows
    • Mastering Azure Key Vault: Introduction to Module
    • Mastering Azure Key Vault: What is Key Vault
    • Mastering Azure Key Vault: Key Features
    • Mastering Azure Key Vault: Create Key Vault Service
    • Mastering Azure Key Vault: Create Secrets
    • Mastering Azure Key Vault: Create Linked Service