Course curriculum

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    • Introduction to Azure
    • Importance of Cloud Computing
    • Introduction to Azure Projects
    • Outline
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    Account Setp Up

    • Resources Group
    • Storage Account
    • Azure Data Factory
    • Azure Data Bricks
    • Azure Key Vault
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    Project 1 PlayStore Dataset

    • Play Store Dataset Analysis
    • Linked Services
    • Copy Data Activity
    • Create Compute
    • Create Secret Scope
    • Mounting Container
    • Multiple Ways of Reading Data
    • Data PreProcessing
    • Install Rating Analysis
    • Free Paid Price Analysis
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    Project 2 Olympics Dataset

    • Olympics Dataset Analysis
    • Fetch Data from kaggle
    • Write to Blob
    • Data PreProcessing
    • Gender Level Analysis
    • National Level Analysis
    • Sports Level Analysis
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    Project 3 Stack Overflow Dataset

    • Stack Overflow Dataset Analysis
    • Copy Zip Data
    • Unzip Data
    • PreProcessing
    • Education Level Analysis
    • Learn How to Code Analysis
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    Project 4 Uber Taxi Dataset

    • Uber Taxi Dataset Analysis
    • Introduction to Project
    • Copy Activity
    • ForEach Activity
    • PreProcessing
    • Taxi Demand Analysis
    • Payment Analysis
    • Farwell