Course curriculum
01 - intro of, course instructor and AI sciences
04 - course overview
03 - Past, present and future of ML
02 - Motivation for course
06 - Outliars
03 - Dataset
09 - Accuracy, error
14 - Recap,flow of ML project
13 - Clustring
11 - types of ML
01 - intro to ML
02 - Kids vs computer learning
04 - Labels, Features
05 - Train test split
07 - Model, training
10 - Formates of data
12 - classification, regression
08 - over fitting, under fitting
01 - Hello World
02 - Intro to data types
05 - Tuples
03 - Numbers
08 - Sets
09 - Comparison operators
10 - Logical oprator,user input, game
11 - Decision making(if,elif,else)
12 - Decision making(nested if)
13 - Better coding practice, completing the game
07 - dictionaries
06 - Lists
15 - while loop
14 - For loop
04 - Strings
16 - Simple functions
17 - Boolian and value returning Function
18 - Calculator project
06 - pandas(2)
09 - Matplotlib(2)
01 - Intro to LR and motivation
15 - Decision Boundary
04 - numpy
03 - Intro to final project
10 - Dealing with missing values
05 - pandas(1)
02 - pros cons
14 - Sigmoid function
07 - Reading and manipulating dataset
18 - LR from scratch(1)
11 - outlier removal
12 - Categorical to numric
08 - Matplotlib(1)
21 - LR from scratch(4)
13 - Quick implementation of logistic regression
16 - Cost function
24 - binary to multiclass
17 - Gradient decent
25 - Concluding remarks
20 - LR from scratch(3)
19 - LR from scratch(2)
23 - LR from scratch(6)
22 - LR from scratch(5)
About this course
- $199.99
- 61 lessons
- 8.5 hours of video content